If you just want the table, add &nomap=1:
If no zip, call, or lat/lon is specified, the cgi sorts by time_received and shows a CONUS map:
You can include or exclude specific types of alerts (type list to follow, but it is the 4th charater in the object name:
Clicking on an object name shows the text of the alert, and there is a link to show nearby APRS activity.,*&geo=keys.geo&last=24!Steve:0:255:100&geo=rad_byx.geo&start=100
The contributed data are used for numerical weather prediction research at NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) and for training and research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), both in Boulder, CO. The data are sent to the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) in Camp Springs, MD. In Florida, the data are used by NWS Weather Forecast Offices for local area weather prediction. They are also used at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for weather prediction in support of launch operations. The data are also used by the Long Island Railroad for weather monitoring along their routes. This summer the data will be used for a major temperature and air quality study in the New England area.
My reason for doing this now is that I am planning to send small radar images using the telemetry feature of my EarthLink SPARK unit. I won this unit in a contest sponsored by Earthlink, I won the unit, $500 and a year of free service. There are some very interesting features of the unit, but the price is rather hefty for what you get. I'll be detailing my experiences with the unit here. The plan is to have a near-real-time radar display in my truck as I drive!
For this application I'll need a small file size (something like 1-2k bytes), and to remove the callsign and icon from the display, this example covers roughly 30 miles from the truck:
Now though, you can add an additional parameter of country which forces the MapBlast lookup (even for USA): States 2C6&country=Canada
These are the cgi's which accept this new form:
There is a list of the countries MapBlast knows in the source code, but the formatting is bad. I hope to get it into an HTML format soon so I can link to it here. The important thing to remember is the country name must be spelled out, not abbreviated, with appropriate capitalization.
Also, at least one country (Australia) on the list has been confirmed not to work. The MapBlast web site does not know them either, even though it is on a pull-down menu, so it seems this list is very optimistic.
The test is run every hour, fresh results are available at the 30 minute mark. You can look at the data here.
I was the top prize winner in the
Earthlink AVL contest!
My AVL box is on its way to me, I'm anxious to get uses a 386 embedded Linux board,
with ethernet for connection to a host computer, Motorola ReFlex telemetry modem via
PageNet's nationwide network, and their own software. There is full access to the
internal board, so you can develop custom onboard applications. They also have their own middleware
to make it easy to develop your own web sites, but I won't be needing that, findU is far more
I won with a proposal to have the
box work with findU, which really will be a trivial hack. Cooler (and more challenging)
plans are to use the modem to pass images back through to a laptop...imagine a
realtime NWS radar
display in your vehicle showing its
current position! I think it also will be easy to make a wireless IGate and produce an APRS
implementation in the onboard machine.
Don't want to figure out all the parameters and write your own URL to get the page you want?
N1BQ has done a nice web page
where you can simply fill out a form.
I've done a lot of work lately in drawing data over maps and images. The system now has the ability to
use the NWS NEXRAD images as the underlying maps. For example:
This cgi generates a png image, it accepts multiple
callsigns separated by commas and wildcards. Since it is just an image, you can easily
add it into any web page of your own with a simple IMG tag.
It can be called in the regular find cgi in place of one of the MapBlast maps, by adding a
parameter &radar=***:***
The *** will auto-select which radar site to use, but you can specify a specific radar site using the three letter NWS callsign (not neccesarily the
same as the NWS office ID or airport abbreviation:
It also can be used in the wxpage cgi in the same way:***
I finally have a track cgi that works, it can use MapBlast maps, radar images, or use your own!
You can specify the start time (in hours from the present) and length of track (in hours)
(limit of 16,000 points from database),
for example this is 1 day of data beginning 2 days ago:
You also can make your own maps and overlay them with APRS data. To do this, you must
generate a geo file. These are explained in the WinAPRS docs:
To overlay the radar images, you must give the cgi the url where the geo files for the radar
images are located on the findu server:
To use your own maps, your geo file must contain the url of the map image, and both the map image and geo
file must be on publicly accessable web servers, simply substitute the geo url with yours, this example has the geo file on the server:
You can use the server to find the location of specific APRS stations.
For example, this link finds where I am in my travels:
This page understands wildcards, so to see all my stations, enter:
An interesting use of this is to browse the lastest activity on the server:*
You can query the server for weather data for the last 24 hours, for example
here is AE4MR in Sarasota, FL:
You can find messages from/to a station, for example
here is N0AN:
Or you can use this page to find the 20 stations
closest to any lat/lon.
More features are added frequently!
Older stuff:
The server sports a page displaying historical weather data for any station reporting
to the APRS Internet System. This link shows the weather at my house in the Florida Keys: