Tide Stations

distancereference number name latitude longitude
0.22710 Sea Bright, Shrewsbury River, New Jersey 40.365 -73.975
2.11267 Highlands, Route 36 bridge, Highlands, New Jersey 40.3967 -73.9817
2.62097 Oceanic Bridge, Navesink River, New Jersey 40.3767 -74.015
3.31129 Gooseneck Point, bridge, Shrewsbury River, New Jers 40.3267 -74.0167
3.51674 Long Branch (fishing pier), New Jersey 40.3033 -73.9767
5.0112 Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 40.4183 -74.035
5.52511 Red Bank, Navesink River, New Jersey 40.355 -74.065
6.72670 Sandy Hook, New Jersey 40.4667 -74.01
10.8226 Belmar, Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey 40.185 -74.0083
10.82755 Shark River Hills, New Jersey 40.1933 -74.0383
11.02756 Shark River Island, fixed RR. bridge, Shark River, 40.1867 -74.0267
11.41478 Keansburg, Waackaack Creek, New Jersey 40.4483 -74.1433
11.91966 New Bedford, Shark River, New Jersey 40.1783 -74.0467
12.3623 Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York 40.5667 -73.9833
13.72286 Plumb Beach Channel, Jamaica Bay, Long Island, New 40.585 -73.925
13.82056 Norton Point, Gravesend Bay, Brooklyn, New York 40.59 -73.9983
14.0163 Barren Island, Rockaway Inlet, Jamaica Bay, Long Is 40.5783 -73.8883
14.31502 Keyport, New Jersey 40.44 -74.1983
14.81151 Great Kills Harbor, New York 40.5433 -74.14
15.21023 Fort Hamilton, The Narrows, Brooklyn, New York 40.6083 -74.035
15.31779 Matawan Creek, Route 35 bridge, New Jersey 40.4333 -74.2183
15.51039 Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York 40.6067 -74.055
15.51040 Fort Wadsworth, The Narrows, Staten Island, New Yor 40.6067 -74.055
15.71834 Mill Basin, Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn, New York 40.6167 -73.9167
16.01747 Manasquan Inlet, USCG Station, New Jersey 40.1017 -74.035