VK4PJF-5 messages

fromtotime message
VK4PJF-5 VK4XD-9 05/15 01:55:10z Send another Good to see someone advertising APRS voice alert! 73 de Paul{C32DA
VK4PJF-5 VK4XD-9 05/15 01:54:47z Send another Hi, tried to reach you by voice alert near W'gabba, not enough pwr{DFF55
VK4PJF-5 VK4PJF-7 05/12 07:21:32z Send another Testing{512D3
VK4PJF-5 VK4PJF-9 05/12 07:20:36z Send another Testing{E33BE
VK4PJF-5 SMSGTE 05/12 07:19:33z Send another HELP{1D20F
VK4PJF-5 SMAGTE 05/12 07:18:28z Send another Help{08EF4