TB2AGW-7 messages

fromtotime message
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 07/06 08:34:32z Reply Abı{27
EMAIL-2 TB2AGW-7 07/01 21:49:36z Reply Email sent to 24ud005@gmail.com{1222
TB2AGW-7 EMAIL-2 07/01 21:49:36z Send another 24ud005@gmail.com test erz{29
EMAIL-2 TB2AGW-7 07/01 21:48:21z Reply Invalid Request!{1221
TB2AGW-7 EMAIL-2 07/01 21:48:21z Send another 24ud0050gmail.com test erz{28
EMAIL-2 TB2AGW-7 07/01 13:55:41z Reply Email sent to ozarslanabdulkadir@gmail.com{1220
TB2AGW-7 EMAIL-2 07/01 13:55:41z Send another ozarslanabdulkadir@gmail.com test mesaji{27
EMAIL-2 TB2AGW-7 07/01 13:53:07z Reply Email sent to ozarslanabdulkadir@gmail.com{1219
TB2AGW-7 EMAIL-2 07/01 13:53:07z Send another ozarslanabdulkadir@gmail.com test mesaji{26
TB2AGW-7 TB7ABV-7 06/18 15:38:10z Send another Abi nasilsin{23
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/18 15:34:51z Reply Bu bir test mesajıdır{1
TB2AGW-7 TB7ABV-7 06/18 12:56:48z Send another abi test{22
TB2AGW-7 TA7OM-9 06/18 12:56:41z Send another Abi selam test ediyorum{21
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/18 10:16:16z Reply Test{5
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/18 10:14:36z Reply Sa{6
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/18 10:08:19z Reply Test{4
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/16 10:22:26z Send another test{19
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/16 10:22:19z Send another test{18
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/16 10:02:03z Send another neredesin{16
TB2AGW-7 TA7FUK-9 06/15 18:18:29z Send another Test{31
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/15 18:12:32z Send another test{25
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/15 18:04:38z Reply Test{2
TA7FUK-10 TB2AGW-7 06/15 18:03:39z Reply Kadir nerdesin{1
TB2AGW-7 TB7ABV-7 06/15 15:37:33z Send another abi ym7ki dayim{24
TB7ABV-7 TB2AGW-7 06/15 15:05:52z Reply kadir nasilsin{07
TB2AGW-7 TB7ABV-7 06/15 13:30:25z Send another anlasildi sarj cihazini unutma abi 73{23
TB7ABV-7 TB2AGW-7 06/15 13:28:39z Reply test calisiyor{06
TB2AGW-7 TB7ABV-7 06/15 13:27:49z Send another test{22
TB2AGW-7 TB2ABV-7 06/15 13:20:27z Send another Abi test mesaji{21
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:29:46z Reply Uyudunmu{26
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:16:49z Reply Cevap ver şuan internete bağlı değilim {25
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:16:49z Reply Günaydın {24
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:16:49z Reply Abi{23
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:16:48z Reply 73{22
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/09 22:16:48z Reply Uyudun mu{21
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/08 12:17:44z Send another test{17
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/08 12:16:21z Send another test{16
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 13:09:55z Reply Bide annem evde {18
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 13:07:35z Send another ok{37
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 13:06:32z Send another ok{38
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 12:54:48z Reply Bilmem {19
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 12:54:41z Reply Gelirim belki biraz sonra {20
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 12:53:47z Reply Oyun oynayasım yok {17
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 12:53:45z Send another tamam istersen gel yanima{36
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 12:51:52z Send another tamam minecraft oyna{35
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 12:50:54z Reply Bitdi zaten {16
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 12:48:29z Send another o kolay gelsin bitince beni ara{33
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/07 12:47:07z Reply Test çözüyorum{15
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/07 12:41:10z Send another ne yapiyorsun{32
TB2AGW-7 TB7BMI-7 06/06 19:30:12z Send another test{30
TB2AGW-7 TB7BMI-7 06/06 17:59:17z Send another test{28
TB2AGW-7 TB7BMI-7 06/06 17:56:19z Send another test{27
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:50:38z Reply 73{14
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:50:34z Reply Okula gıdıyorum {13
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:46:16z Reply okula gıda cegim 73{12
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:46:07z Reply 73{11
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:44:36z Reply abi okula gideceğim {10
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/06 09:44:36z Reply okula gidecem 73{9
TA7TM-9 TB2AGW-7 06/05 16:46:51z Reply Test denemesi
TB2AGW-9 TB2AGW-7 06/05 16:02:13z Reply Test ok
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-9 06/05 16:00:15z Send another test{23
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/04 23:31:45z Send another Iyi geceler 73{22
TB2AGW-7 TA7DA-10 06/04 22:25:44z Send another Test basarili{21
TA7DA-10 TB2AGW-7 06/04 22:23:58z Reply Selam{2
TB2AGW-7 TA7DA-10 06/04 22:22:11z Send another Test basarili{20
TA7DA-10 TB2AGW-7 06/04 22:21:08z Reply Test{1
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/04 16:23:57z Reply Tüm ışlarımı yaptım {12
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/04 16:22:49z Reply Abı dernege geleyimmi {11
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/04 06:20:30z Reply Tamam ne zaman gelıyon evde yanlızım {10
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/03 18:58:17z Send another Telefonumun sarji az haberin olsun{17
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/03 18:07:36z Send another Ne yapiyorsun{16
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/03 15:34:43z Reply Neyden telefondanmı {9
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/03 15:33:35z Send another Beni ara{15
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/03 15:03:56z Send another Anlamadim ne dedigini{14
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/03 15:01:14z Reply Atıkların ney {8
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/03 15:00:55z Reply Abi{7
TB2AGW-7 TA7EK-10 06/02 16:55:04z Send another Test{13
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/01 10:14:57z Reply selamlar 73{8
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 06/01 10:14:00z Reply test başarılı {7
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-10 06/01 10:13:42z Send another test{12
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/01 05:52:53z Reply Hadi sende hazılan ben hazırım :-)☺{6
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/01 05:51:54z Send another hadi hazirlan{11
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/01 05:50:33z Reply Herkeze hayırlı günler {5
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 06/01 05:50:13z Reply Selamlar 73{4
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/01 05:42:31z Send another Op.Abdulkadir 0546 410 06 24 QTH:Erzincan {10
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 06/01 05:39:55z Send another Gunaydin{09
TB2AGW-7 TA7EK-10 05/31 19:04:44z Send another Emre selam{08
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 05/31 19:03:15z Reply Tamam 73 :-){3
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 05/31 19:01:37z Send another Hazirlan disari cikalim{07
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 05/31 16:56:18z Send another ders calis{06
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 05/31 16:46:33z Reply Selamlar 73{2
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 05/31 16:46:04z Send another Test ok 73{05
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 05/31 16:45:28z Send another Test ok 73{04
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW 05/31 16:43:13z Send another Test ok 73{03
TB2AGW TB2AGW-7 05/31 16:42:05z Reply Abi test{1
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-10 05/31 16:26:37z Send another Basarili 73{02
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 05/31 16:24:46z Reply Telefondan telsize uzun bir yazı yazarak göndermeye çalışıyorum. {6
TB2AGW-7 TB2AGW-10 05/31 16:24:33z Send another test test test{01
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 05/31 16:23:47z Reply ok{5
TB2AGW-10 TB2AGW-7 05/31 16:23:37z Reply teet{4