SP6RVW messages

fromtotime message
WHO-IS SP6RVW 09/10 19:15:21z Reply 1/Rafał SP6RVW/Poland{J6}JK
SP6RVW WHO-IS 09/10 19:15:20z Send another SP6RVW{JK}
EMAIL-2 SP6RVW 09/10 18:39:12z Reply Email sent to sp6rvw@winlink.org{UI}ML
SP6RVW EMAIL-2 09/10 18:39:12z Send another sp6rvw@winlink.org test{ML}
SP6RVW-5 SP6RVW 08/06 19:25:12z Reply Test2{4
SP6RVW-5 SP6RVW 08/06 19:21:13z Reply Test13
SP6RVW-5 SP6RVW 08/06 19:21:12z Reply Test1{3
SP6RVW SP6RVW-5 07/24 11:09:15z Send another test
SP6RVW SP6RVW-5 07/24 11:08:56z Send another czesc1{XK}
EMAIL-2 SP6RVW 07/24 10:58:19z Reply Email sent to sp6rvw@winlink.org{H7}XN
SP6RVW EMAIL-2 07/24 10:58:19z Send another sp6rvw@winlink.org test2{XN}H6
EMAIL-2 SP6RVW 07/24 10:56:32z Reply Email sent to sp6rvw-2@winlink.org{H6}XL
SP6RVW EMAIL-2 07/24 10:56:32z Send another sp6rvw-2@winlink.org test{XL}H5
EMAIL-2 SP6RVW 07/24 10:52:33z Reply No email address found!{H5}XJ
SP6RVW EMAIL-2 07/24 10:52:33z Send another f{XJ}H4
EMAIL-2 SP6RVW 07/24 10:52:19z Reply Invalid Request!{H4}XI
SP6RVW EMAIL-2 07/24 10:52:18z Send another SP6RVW-5 Test{XI}
SQ2ADV-9 SP6RVW 07/24 10:49:28z Reply WITAJ CZESC 73!{10
SP6RVW SQ2ADV-9 07/24 10:48:33z Send another akurat przejezdzales kolo dworca{XH}
SP6RVW SQ2ADV-9 07/24 10:47:55z Send another Jestem w ustce próbuję Cię wołać na 145550{XG}
SP6RVW SQ2ADV-9 07/24 10:46:42z Send another Aktywny na 145.550?{XF}
SP6RVW SQ2ADV-9 07/24 10:46:02z Send another DZIEN DOBRY{XE}