PY1XTA messages

fromtotime message
PY1XTA PU1OGR 11/30 21:08:45z Send another 007.040MHz 0300 +1700 USB BPQ BBS IGATE WINLINK - Vida Longa e Prospera
PY1XTA PU1OGR 11/30 21:08:16z Send another Path - PU1OGR>APJYC1
APRSBR PY1XTA 11/24 13:48:07z Reply SBSC 241300Z 11004KT 9999 SCT020 SCT030 24/17 Q1018
PU2MUS-1 PY1XTA 11/23 12:35:52z Reply Bom Dia, um otimo final de semana, 73{026
APRSBR PY1XTA 11/17 13:54:27z Reply SBSC 171300Z 36004KT 9999 FEW010 BKN070 26/20 Q1015
PY1XTA BLN1 11/17 11:17:52z Send another TESTE 2{01}
PY1XTA BLN0 11/17 11:04:05z Send another Testando boletim{01}
PY1XTA PY1XTA-5 11/16 21:26:55z Send another RX{1
PY1XTA-5 PY1XTA 11/16 21:25:55z Reply Teste droid.{3
APRSBR PY1XTA 11/11 12:30:30z Reply SBSC 111200Z 35012KT 9999 FEW030 27/18 Q1012
PY1XTA BLN0 11/10 19:57:14z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 18:30{03}
PY1XTA BLN0 11/10 19:39:30z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 18:30{02}
PY1XTA BLN0 11/10 18:58:13z Send another 7.040MHz 300bd USB - BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - ate 18:30{01}
APRSBR PY1XTA 11/07 10:55:14z Reply SBSC 071000Z 32012KT 9999 FEW030 28/20 Q1010
PY1XTA PY2ZOT-1 10/31 20:58:17z Send another Eh o PY1MRG, Serra da Macela.{05}02
PY2ZOT-1 PY1XTA 10/31 20:56:00z Reply olha na foto tem um digi em Angra!{05
PY1XTA PY2ZOT-1 10/31 20:51:19z Send another :-){04}02
PY2ZOT-1 PY1XTA 10/31 20:51:01z Reply blz{03
PY2ZOT-1 PY1XTA 10/31 20:50:56z Reply melhor que no hf kkk{04
PY1XTA PY2ZOT-1 10/31 20:50:23z Send another Boa tarde. Esta funcionando.{03}02
PY2ZOT-1 PY1XTA 10/31 20:50:09z Reply Obrigado pelo envio da msg{02}02
PY2ZOT-1 PY1XTA 10/31 20:49:52z Reply Boa Tarde Mau Amigo Mauro!{01}02
PY1XTA PY2ZOT-1 10/31 20:49:10z Send another Mais uma msg.{02}
PY1XTA PY2ZOT-1 10/31 20:43:14z Send another Msg para teste. :-){01}
PY1XTA BLN1 10/31 20:18:54z Send another Testando acesso por Robust Packet{01}
PY1XTA PY2OIA 10/30 20:28:41z Send another Obrigado :-){1
PY2OIA PY1XTA 10/30 20:17:07z Reply Que tenha otmos testes. 73{2
PY1XTA PY4IG-1 10/29 20:55:52z Send another Teste Recebido. 73{1
PY4IG-1 PY1XTA 10/29 20:41:07z Reply teste 1 porta I tcpip{94
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 10/26 21:02:38z Reply tambem chega direitinho{M0006
PY1XTA PU1OGR-2 10/26 21:02:11z Send another Agora eh o BPQ.{2
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 10/26 20:59:58z Reply e todos os acks adequadamente{M0005
PY1XTA PU1OGR-2 10/26 20:58:34z Send another Recebido{1
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 10/26 20:38:28z Reply via vhf{M0004
PY1XTA BLN0 10/24 20:44:10z Send another BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - 7.040MHz USB 300bd - ate 18:30{05}
PY1XTA BLN0 10/24 20:00:03z Send another BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - 7.040MHz USB 300bd - ate 18:30{04}
PY1XTA BLN0 10/24 19:45:43z Send another BPQ BBS em TESTE - iGate e Winlink - 7.040MHz USB 300bd - ate 18:30{03}
WLNK-1 PY1XTA 10/23 20:29:58z Reply You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{5356
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:32:48z Reply 73{21
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:32:34z Send another Desligando. Um abraco. :-)
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:31:20z Send another Ok, tambem vou desligar aqui a pouco.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:31:16z Reply do outro lado dai da poça {20
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:30:53z Reply agora eu to na rua{19
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:30:40z Reply ok{18
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:30:35z Send another Da Alt-W na janela TNC.
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:30:02z Send another E so dar Alt-W, escolher e dar enter.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:29:39z Reply sao muitas funcoes{17
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:29:08z Reply tenho que configurar as coiseira ainda.{16
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:28:37z Send another Deixei msg pra voce no Winnet PMS.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:22:57z Reply ac:D{15
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:22:41z Send another Mais algo para passar pra ele. Quando puder entra no grupo.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:22:22z Reply ai zica msg{14
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:22:00z Send another O John desligou o ack que estava zicando boletim.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:21:19z Reply tem motivo pra ficar cabreiro :D{13
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:20:56z Send another Sou meio cabreiro de instalar Java.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:20:45z Reply engracado que voce noo esta mandando ack{12
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:20:07z Reply acho que como cliente de aprs é o melhor.{11
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:19:32z Send another Ainda nao testei o Yaac.
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:18:08z Send another Nao, o mapa do Wintnc.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:17:44z Reply o yaac?{10
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:17:25z Send another Ja, eh fraco mas funciona.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:16:58z Reply eu to gostando muito do YAAC pra aprs{9
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:16:27z Send another Sim mas eh tosco e nao eh tempo real. Mas eh legal.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:16:02z Reply pelo browser. já usou?{8
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:15:47z Reply da pra ver o mapa dele p{7
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:14:43z Send another Gosto dele priorizar texto ao inves de mapa. Facil ver as msgs
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:14:01z Reply teste{6
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:12:48z Reply ele basicamente faz um terminal via aprs{5
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:12:13z Send another Caso de dar mais dicas pro autor.
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:10:54z Send another Rapaz, esse Wintnc tem muito potencial no APRS.
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:09:11z Send another Entendi.
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:08:35z Reply se voce receber algum emal{4
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/23 14:08:18z Reply nao. winlink no status te manda uma msg{3
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/23 14:07:44z Send another Voce ja esta oferecendo gateway Winlink?
APRSBR PY1XTA 10/23 13:42:41z Reply (RIO DE JANEIRO) Temp: 33.0 - Pressao: 1012hPa - Humidade: 46% - Vento: 4.12 - Dir: 190
APRSBR PY1XTA 10/23 13:42:36z Reply Temp: 33.0C - Vento Dir: 190 - Vento Vel: 4.1 Kmh - Humidade: 46% - Cond: Céu Limpo
PY1XTA APRSBR 10/23 13:42:29z Send another clima rio de janeiro
PY2VE-7 PY1XTA 10/22 21:46:23z Reply ok{80
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/15 11:48:54z Reply espero que chegue{2
PY1XTA-5 PY1XTA 10/12 12:57:29z Reply Mais um teste{1
PY1XTA PU1OGR-5 10/10 20:04:53z Send another Grande Rafael. 73.{1
PU1OGR-5 PY1XTA 10/10 19:31:23z Reply faaaala doutor. to no mar...{1
APRSBR PY1XTA 10/07 14:01:04z Reply PONG!
PY1XTA APRSBR 10/07 14:01:00z Send another ping
APRSBR PY1XTA 10/07 13:59:32z Reply SBSC 071300Z 36007KT 9999 FEW030 SCT070 26/15 Q1017
PY1XTA APRSBR 10/07 13:59:25z Send another metar sbsc
PY1XTA PU1OGR-10 10/07 13:34:14z Send another Testando envio de msg do WinTNC.
APRSBR PY1XTA 10/04 18:27:06z Reply SBSC 041800Z 16007KT 2500 -RA BR BKN008 BKN012 OVC020 20/20 Q1019
PY1XTA BLN1 10/03 16:05:38z Send another JACARE NO SECO ANDA (teste do WinTNC)
PY1XTA BLN0 10/03 16:03:50z Send another Teste de boletim
PY1XTA BLN0 10/03 07:43:12z Send another Testing WINTNC Again
PY1XTA BLN0 10/03 07:25:10z Send another Testing WINTNC{001
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:58:31z Reply com a atas120 ajudava muito{C0006
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:58:05z Reply provavelmente. ja tem um ugly-baloon na descida.{C0005
PY1XTA PU1OGR-2 09/27 20:57:07z Send another Talvez ferrite nos cabos ajude.{2
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:35:37z Reply pena que quando eu boto 100w o rasp senta{C0003
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:34:54z Reply excelente. esta passando por vhf muito bem.{C0002
PY1XTA PU1OGR-2 09/27 20:34:25z Send another Opa! Mensagens recebidas. :-){1
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:30:46z Reply o YAAC eh bem bonzinho{C0001
PU1OGR-2 PY1XTA 09/27 20:27:38z Reply ola... funciona.{m0006