MAIL messages

fromtotime message
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 05:42:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1744
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 05:42:31z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1743
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 04:42:30z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1742
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 04:42:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1741
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 04:22:30z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1740
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 04:22:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1739
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 03:42:30z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1738
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 03:42:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1737
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 03:22:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1736
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 03:22:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1735
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:44:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1734
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:44:31z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1733
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:24:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1732
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:24:31z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1731
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:03:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1730
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 02:03:31z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1729
MAIL KF5RIC-7 07/01 00:31:44z Send another @KF5RIC APRSMAIL DEMO{1728
KF5RIC-7 MAIL 07/01 00:31:44z Reply APRSMAIL DEMO{14
MAIL KF5RIC-2 07/01 00:29:09z Send another Msg left for KF5RIC{1727
KF5RIC-2 MAIL 07/01 00:29:08z Reply @KF5RIC-7 APRSMAIL DEMO{PG}
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 00:22:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1726
MAIL KC8OWL-2 07/01 00:22:31z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1725
MAIL KJ4RDP-15 06/30 23:43:08z Send another No messages found for KJ4RDP{1724
KJ4RDP-15 MAIL 06/30 23:43:08z Reply aprsM{VM}
MAIL KD8DNS-9 06/30 23:11:55z Send another Msg left for KE8YSA{1723
KD8DNS-9 MAIL 06/30 23:11:55z Reply @KE8YSA-7 did you get this message{E2E44
MAIL KD8DNS-9 06/30 23:05:01z Send another Msg left for KE8YSA{1722
KD8DNS-9 MAIL 06/30 23:05:01z Reply @KE8YSA-7 hello how are you doing{E5186
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 22:22:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1721
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 22:22:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1720
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 21:42:31z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1719
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 21:42:30z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1718
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 20:37:53z Send another Msg left for KC1OCY{1717
MAIL KD9PLJ-7 06/30 20:15:40z Send another @WP4LFS Mensaje de prueba{1716
MAIL WP4LFS-5 06/30 20:11:42z Send another Msg left for KD9PLJ{1715
WP4LFS-5 MAIL 06/30 20:11:42z Reply @KD9PLJ Mensaje de prueba{DA437
MAIL WP4LFS-5 06/30 20:07:46z Send another @KD9PLJ Saludos de Eric - KD9PLJ{1714
MAIL WP4LFS-5 06/30 20:07:46z Send another @KD9PLJ Hola probando la funcion de store & Forward{1713
WP4LFS-5 MAIL 06/30 20:07:46z Reply APRSM{8D581
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 20:06:22z Send another Msg left for KC1OCY{1712
N3RMC-10 MAIL 06/30 19:11:15z Reply aprsi{5
N3RMC-10 MAIL 06/30 19:11:10z Reply aprsinfo{4
N3RMC-10 MAIL 06/30 19:11:03z Reply info{3
MAIL N3RMC-10 06/30 19:10:55z Send another No messages found for N3RMC{1708
N3RMC-10 MAIL 06/30 19:09:19z Reply m{1
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:57:54z Send another Msg left for KC1OCY{1706
MAIL KT7RUN-7 06/30 18:49:01z Send another @KC8OWL that is awesome. Looking forward to the build. Btu.{1705
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:48:52z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1704
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:48:52z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1703
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:29:52z Send another Msg left for KC1OCY{1702
KC8OWL-2 MAIL 06/30 18:29:52z Reply @kc1ocy message ex have a good holiday week. 73{5
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:25:26z Send another Msg left for KC1OCY{1701
KC8OWL-2 MAIL 06/30 18:25:26z Reply @kc1ocy message rx{4
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:22:36z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1700
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 18:22:35z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1699
MAIL WY7CDL-3 06/30 17:54:16z Send another No messages found for WY7CDL{1698
WY7CDL-3 MAIL 06/30 17:54:16z Reply Aprsm{A0B93
MAIL WY7CDL-3 06/30 17:48:05z Send another No messages found for WY7CDL{1697
WY7CDL-3 MAIL 06/30 17:48:05z Reply Aprsm{3C9D8
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 17:47:47z Send another @KC1OCY testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73{1696
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 17:47:47z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1695
MAIL N7UIP-7 06/30 17:10:29z Send another @N7UIP Sending mail 23:20{1694
MAIL KB3HWM 06/30 17:02:31z Send another @KB3HWM TEST AGN. WILL GET LATER{1693
MAIL KC1OCY-9 06/30 16:54:45z Send another Msg left for KC8OWL{1692
KC1OCY-9 MAIL 06/30 16:54:44z Reply @kc8owl-7 testing aprs store and fwd mesgs 73
KC8OWL-2 MAIL 06/30 16:20:52z Reply @kt7run-7 that is awesome. Looking forward to the build. Btu.{3
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 16:09:47z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1690
MAIL KT7RUN-7 06/30 16:06:52z Send another No messages found for KT7RUN{1689
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 16:05:44z Send another Invalid Command or Msg!{1688
KC8OWL-2 MAIL 06/30 16:04:44z Reply That is awesome. Looking fwd to the build. Btu{2
MAIL KT7RUN-7 06/30 16:01:30z Send another @KC8OWL test from dedicated aprs terminal. Out{1687
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 15:49:47z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1686
MAIL KB3HWM-9 06/30 15:41:09z Send another Msg left for KB3HWM{1685
KB3HWM-9 MAIL 06/30 15:39:09z Reply @KB3HWM TEST AGN. WILL GET LATER
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 15:29:47z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{1684
MAIL KE8PIP-7 06/30 15:18:33z Send another Visit for info.{1683
KE8PIP-7 MAIL 06/30 15:18:27z Reply H{2
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 14:49:47z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{2016
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 14:27:25z Send another @KT7RUN Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{2015
MAIL HB9HOX-7 06/30 14:26:03z Send another No messages found for HB9HOX{2014
MAIL DL2AW-7 06/30 14:04:37z Send another @DL2AW hier ein kleiner test!{2013
MAIL DL2AW-7 06/30 14:02:11z Send another Msg left for DL2AW{2012
DL2AW-7 MAIL 06/30 14:02:11z Reply @dl2aw hier ein kleiner test!
MAIL KT7RUN-7 06/30 13:31:56z Send another Msg left for KC8OWL{2011
KT7RUN-7 MAIL 06/30 13:31:55z Reply @KC8OWL-2 Setting up a RMS gateway. Happy Sunday. BTU.{3
MAIL KT7RUN-7 06/30 13:31:54z Send another @KC8OWL test from dedicated aprs terminal. Out{2010
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:21:36z Send another Msg left for N7UIP{2009
N7UIP-10 MAIL 06/30 06:21:36z Reply @n7uip-7 Sending mail 23:20{3
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:19:58z Send another No messages found for N7UIP{2008
MAIL N7UIP-10 06/30 06:18:47z Send another Invalid Command or Msg!{2007
N7UIP-10 MAIL 06/30 06:18:46z Reply Mail{1
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 05:49:22z Send another @KT7RUN Received in Phoenix. OUT{2006
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 05:09:22z Send another @KT7RUN Received in Phoenix. OUT{2005
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 04:29:22z Send another @KT7RUN Received in Phoenix. OUT{2004
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 04:09:22z Send another @KT7RUN Received in Phoenix. OUT{2003
MAIL KC8OWL-2 06/30 03:49:22z Send another @KT7RUN Received in Phoenix. OUT{2002
MAIL N7LOL-3 06/30 03:45:02z Send another No messages found for N7LOL{2001
MAIL KE8PIP-7 06/30 03:39:41z Send another @KE8PIP TEST STORE AND FWD{2000
MAIL KE8PIP-10 06/30 03:38:19z Send another Msg left for KE8PIP{1999
KE8PIP-10 MAIL 06/30 03:37:48z Reply @KE8PIP-7 TEST STORE AND FWD{1