LZ2PCB-5 messages

fromtotime message
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 10:25:42z Send another FORTUNE.Reliable source, n.: The guy you just met.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 10:10:12z Send another FORTUNE.This page intentionally left blank.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 09:54:41z Send another FORTUNE.You never go anywhere without your soul.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 09:39:12z Send another FORTUNE.Nothing lasts forever. Where do I find nothing?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 09:23:42z Send another FORTUNE.The words fly away, the writings remain.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 08:52:42z Send another FORTUNE.To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation. -- St. Augustine
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 08:21:42z Send another FORTUNE.Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 07:50:41z Send another FORTUNE.Don't vote -- it only encourages them!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 07:19:42z Send another FORTUNE.Why be difficult when, with a bit of effort, you could be impossible?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 07:04:12z Send another FORTUNE.Your love life will be... interesting.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 06:33:12z Send another FORTUNE.Nietzsche is pietzsche, but Schiller is killer, and Goethe is moethe.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 05:31:12z Send another FORTUNE.I'm not offering myself as an example; every life evolves by its own laws.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 05:00:13z Send another FORTUNE.An optimist is a guy that has never had much experience. -- Don Marquis
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 04:29:11z Send another FORTUNE.Androphobia: Fear of men.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 03:58:12z Send another FORTUNE.Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 03:42:44z Send another FORTUNE.Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence. -- Dijkstra
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 03:27:12z Send another FORTUNE."I found out why my car was humming. It had forgotten the words."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 02:56:12z Send another FORTUNE.Doing gets it done.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 02:40:42z Send another FORTUNE.Every time I lose weight, it finds me again!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 02:25:12z Send another FORTUNE.Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 02:09:43z Send another FORTUNE.If God had wanted you to go around nude, He would have given you bigger hands.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 01:38:42z Send another FORTUNE.Don't quit now, we might just as well lock the door and throw away the key.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 00:36:42z Send another FORTUNE.We are all dying -- and we're gonna be dead for a long time.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 00:21:13z Send another FORTUNE.lisp, v.: To call a spade a thpade.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/26 00:05:42z Send another FORTUNE.This is now. Later is later.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 23:50:13z Send another FORTUNE.Life is the urge to ecstasy.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 23:19:12z Send another FORTUNE.But was he mature enough last night at the lesbian masquerade?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 23:03:43z Send another FORTUNE.Why is it called a funny bone when it hurts so much?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 22:01:43z Send another FORTUNE. "It's today!" said Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 21:46:13z Send another FORTUNE.Line Printer paper is strongest at the perforations.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 21:30:43z Send another FORTUNE."The identical is equal to itself, since it is different." -- Franco Spisani
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 21:15:13z Send another FORTUNE.A mouse is an elephant built by the Japanese.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 20:13:13z Send another FORTUNE.Being ugly isn't illegal. Yet.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 19:57:44z Send another FORTUNE.Your picture of the world often changes just before you get it into focus.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 19:42:13z Send another FORTUNE.Lookie, lookie, here comes cookie... -- Stephen Sondheim
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 18:55:43z Send another FORTUNE.Anything free is worth what you pay for it.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 17:38:13z Send another FORTUNE.There are only two kinds of men -- the dead and the deadly. -- Helen Rowland
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 17:07:12z Send another FORTUNE.The horror... the horror!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 16:51:43z Send another FORTUNE.A gleekzorp without a tornpee is like a quop without a fertsneet (sort of).
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 14:47:43z Send another FORTUNE.Mater artium necessitas. [Necessity is the mother of invention].
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 14:32:13z Send another FORTUNE.Absinthe makes the tart grow fonder.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 14:16:43z Send another FORTUNE.Flattery will get you everywhere.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 13:30:16z Send another FORTUNE.Never trust a computer you can't repair yourself.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 12:59:13z Send another FORTUNE.It's better to burn out than to fade away.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 12:28:14z Send another FORTUNE.Department chairmen never die, they just lose their faculties.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 12:12:43z Send another FORTUNE.My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 11:26:14z Send another FORTUNE.Men of quality are not afraid of women for equality.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 10:55:14z Send another FORTUNE.Toothpaste never hurts the taste of good scotch.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 10:24:14z Send another FORTUNE."You are WRONG, you ol' brass-breasted fascist poop!" -- Bloom County
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 09:53:13z Send another FORTUNE.How many priests are needed for a Boston Mass?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 09:37:43z Send another FORTUNE.Have a nice diurnal anomaly.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 09:22:14z Send another FORTUNE."If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything." -- A. L.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 09:06:44z Send another FORTUNE.sillema sillema nika su
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 08:51:13z Send another FORTUNE.I just asked myself... what would John DeLorean do? -- Raoul Duke
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 08:20:13z Send another FORTUNE.Adapt. Enjoy. Survive.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 08:04:43z Send another FORTUNE.There will be big changes for you but you will be happy.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 07:49:13z Send another FORTUNE.<|Rain|> #define struct union /* great space saver */
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 07:33:44z Send another FORTUNE.What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. -- John Lilly
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 07:18:13z Send another FORTUNE.Sight is a faculty; seeing is an art.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 06:16:14z Send another FORTUNE.It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. -- Benjamin Disraeli
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 04:27:44z Send another FORTUNE.Returns for store credit only.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 03:56:44z Send another FORTUNE.A good memory does not equal pale ink.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 03:10:16z Send another FORTUNE.Lack of capability is usually disguised by lack of interest.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 02:54:44z Send another FORTUNE."jackpot: you may have an unnecessary change record" -- message from "diff"
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 02:39:14z Send another FORTUNE.T-shirt Of The Day: I'm the person your mother warned you about.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 02:23:45z Send another FORTUNE.Oh, Aunty Em, it's so good to be home!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 02:08:13z Send another FORTUNE.This fortune is false.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 01:52:44z Send another FORTUNE.Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/25 01:37:14z Send another FORTUNE.Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 23:33:14z Send another FORTUNE. you guys are all sick! sick sick sick I tell ya ;)
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 23:17:44z Send another FORTUNE.I haven't lost my mind; I know exactly where I left it.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 22:31:14z Send another FORTUNE.If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 22:15:44z Send another FORTUNE.Programmers do it bit by bit.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 22:00:15z Send another FORTUNE.The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 21:44:46z Send another FORTUNE.God gives us relatives; thank goodness we can chose our friends.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 21:29:13z Send another FORTUNE.falsie salesman, n: Fuller bust man.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 20:42:45z Send another FORTUNE.And on the seventh day, He exited from append mode.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 19:25:15z Send another FORTUNE.Space is to place as eternity is to time. -- Joseph Joubert
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 18:54:14z Send another FORTUNE.Never be afraid to tell the world who you are. -- Anonymous
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 18:23:16z Send another FORTUNE.Your reasoning powers are good, and you are a fairly good planner.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 17:36:44z Send another FORTUNE.You will be a winner today. Pick a fight with a four-year-old.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 17:21:14z Send another FORTUNE.He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news. -- Bertolt Brecht
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 16:50:14z Send another FORTUNE.The sheep died in the wool.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 16:34:44z Send another FORTUNE.UH-OH!! We're out of AUTOMOBILE PARTS and RUBBER GOODS!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 14:46:15z Send another FORTUNE.Referring to a book: I read part of it all the way through. -- Samuel Goldwyn
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 14:30:45z Send another FORTUNE.You will meet an important person who will help you advance professionally.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 13:44:14z Send another FORTUNE.Less is more or less more -- Y_Plentyn on #LinuxGER
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 13:28:45z Send another FORTUNE.I selected E5 ... but I didn't hear "Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs"!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 13:13:16z Send another FORTUNE.Don't say "yes" until I finish talking. -- Darryl F. Zanuck
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 11:55:45z Send another FORTUNE.We have met the enemy, and he is us. -- Walt Kelly
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 11:40:16z Send another FORTUNE.It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 10:53:45z Send another FORTUNE.Love is an obsessive delusion that is cured by marriage. -- Dr. Karl Bowman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 10:38:15z Send another FORTUNE.Edited for television.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 10:22:46z Send another FORTUNE.Keep America beautiful. Swallow your beer cans.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 09:51:46z Send another FORTUNE.poisoned coffee, n.: Grounds for divorce.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 09:05:15z Send another FORTUNE.To make tax forms true they should read "Income Owed Us" and "Incommode You".
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 08:18:45z Send another FORTUNE.Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 08:03:15z Send another FORTUNE.Never tell a lie unless it is absolutely convenient.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 07:47:46z Send another FORTUNE.I have a very strange feeling about this... -- Luke Skywalker
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 06/24 07:32:16z Send another FORTUNE.It's more than magnificent -- it's mediocre. -- Sam Goldwyn