KN6OIV-7 messages

fromtotime message
KN6OIV-7 SMSGTE 06/23 23:10:29z Send another @6614787982 its brian made it to camp love you!{08
KN6OIV-7 SMSGTE 06/23 20:48:20z Send another @6614787982 its brian made it to camp love you!{06
KN6OIV-7 SMSGTE 06/23 20:46:05z Send another #mapme @me{07
KN6OIV-7 SMSGTE 06/23 01:49:10z Send another @6614787982 its brian made it to camp love you!{05
KN6OIV-7 SMSGTE 06/23 01:43:49z Send another #mapme @me{04