KG7RCF-7 messages

fromtotime message
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/30 02:23:10z Reply @wife Yes but I will miss you rubbing my sore feet and back{8406
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/30 02:20:08z Send another @wife i will be home in 3to4 hrs.ok?{0
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 21:08:49z Reply @husband ?{6493
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 21:08:49z Reply @husband Cool. Now need to figure out how to text coordinates??{6492
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 21:03:08z Send another @husband test{10
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 20:58:48z Send another @wife Hey there! Study hard!{9
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 20:56:45z Reply Alias Added{6491
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 20:56:45z Send another #alias #add maygin 8015180324{8
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 20:55:47z Reply Alias Added{6490
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 20:55:47z Send another #alias #add wife 8018913638{7
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 20:46:52z Reply Invalid Alias or Number!{6489
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 20:29:57z Reply @husband Now what shows up?{6487
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 20:07:18z Reply Alias Added{6484
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 20:07:18z Send another #alias #add husband 8013861985 {6
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 19:59:36z Reply @8013861985 Now just need to figure out the aliases...{6483
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 19:54:52z Reply Invalid Alias or Number!{6482
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 19:54:51z Send another @husband does smallwork?{5
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 19:53:06z Send another @8013861985 test 1M{4
SMS KG7RCF-7 06/01 19:47:23z Reply Invalid Alias or Number!{6481
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 19:47:23z Send another @HUSBAND found the at symbol!{3
KG7RCF-7 HUSBAND 06/01 19:19:46z Send another try2{2
KG7RCF-7 HUSBAND 06/01 19:07:52z Send another time well spent!{1
KG7RCF-7 SMS 06/01 19:01:30z Send another #alias #add husband8013861985{0