KB3EOF-9 messages

fromtotime message
KB3EOF-9 N3LSB-9 06/11 01:04:50z Send another Hi Dave, I see you loud and clear :){1
K3MMM-1 KB3EOF-9 06/11 00:27:27z Reply Received position report via RF{7
KB3EOF-9 N3HYM-8 06/11 00:21:13z Send another Back at ya Ray - TNX for the help!{4
KB3EOF-9 AB3E-1 06/11 00:20:26z Send another Thanks got your message!{3
AB3E-1 KB3EOF-9 06/11 00:19:18z Reply Hello!{4
KB3EOF-9 K3MMM 06/11 00:17:47z Send another Howdy again!!!{2
K3MMM-1 KB3EOF-9 06/11 00:15:06z Reply Please transmit a position beacon, to see if you land on my map. {4
N3HYM-8 KB3EOF-9 06/11 00:13:22z Reply I SEE YOU{1
AB3E-1 KB3EOF-9 06/11 00:09:40z Reply Might I suggest we QSY for the voice to the 441.8 fdk repeater?{1