KA0RDE-10 messages

fromtotime message
AA0OS-2 KA0RDE-10 05/18 14:13:51z Reply Phoenix test: "Green Lantern" was the message{46
AA0OS-2 KA0RDE-10 05/15 13:43:10z Reply WEDNESDAY PATH CHECK DE AA0OS-2{36
AA0OS-2 KA0RDE-10 05/05 12:26:09z Reply 73 de AA0OS{22
AA0OS-2 KA0RDE-10 05/05 12:25:07z Reply Phoenix emergency test of equipment is at 8:00 am{20
KA0RDE-10 AA0OS-2 04/15 15:25:08z Send another Monday, April 15 (tax day) checking equipment and route. 10:24 am{94
KA0RDE-10 AA0OS-2 04/15 15:23:32z Send another {93