K9TPT-15 messages

fromtotime message
K9TPT-15 ki4leh 07/05 14:38:46z Send another Thanks, Have a great day {M0002
KI4LEH K9TPT-15 07/05 14:37:32z Reply Working fine I guess. {HM}
K9TPT-15 KI4LEH 07/05 14:36:44z Send another Testing message o the pi with YAAC {M0001
KI4LEH K9TPT-15 07/04 22:57:23z Reply Copied your test. {CK}
K9TPT-15 KI4LEH 07/04 22:56:56z Send another Thanks Gene, Testing Pi YAAC{M0001
K9TPT-15 ww4ls 07/03 00:07:03z Send another ?APRSP