K6AAP-1 messages

fromtotime message
K6AAP-1 BLN 06/25 08:22:19z Send another Cell outage est start 21:00 PDT. SOS only mode most locations.{3
K6AAP-1 BLN 06/25 08:21:04z Send another Verizon cell down on Cent Coast. No ETA restore as of 01:20 PDT{2
K6AAP-1 KD7AAT-D 06/22 04:03:25z Send another Fellow ham in Nipomo. Is that repeater in APRS note? 73 de K6AAP.{3
EMAIL-2 K6AAP-1 06/21 05:02:36z Reply Email sent to K6AAP@icloud.com{1067
K6AAP-1 EMAIL-2 06/21 05:02:35z Send another K6AAP@icloud.com APRS system working OK in upstairs station{2
K6AAP-1 KD6ECF-4 06/21 03:15:32z Send another Hello from fellow Nipomo ham. Finally got APRS working! 73 de K6AAP{1