DC8TM-8 messages

fromtotime message
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 06/24 20:34:37z Send another UNIT.deg C,%,hPa
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 06/24 20:34:30z Send another EQNS.0,0.1,0,0,0.1,0,0,0.1,0
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 06/24 20:34:25z Send another PARM.Temp,Humi,Baro
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 05/01 08:59:01z Send another UNIT.deg C,%,hPa' with RSSI -118 and SNR -14.50
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 05/01 07:59:03z Send another EQNS.0,0.1,0,0,0.1,0
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 05/01 07:58:58z Send another UNIT.deg C,%
DC8TM-8 DC8TM-8 05/01 07:58:52z Send another PARM.Temp,Humi