BG5VIG-1 messages

fromtotime message
APRSPH BG5VIG-1 06/28 23:55:31z Reply 0628 net is restarting soon. Checkin again after 0000Z to rejoin.
KP3A-7 BG5VIG-1 06/28 20:58:35z Reply WBPHG5250145.090MHz KP4CE-10 Packet Node, BBS & Winlink RMS
KP3A-7 BG5VIG-1 06/28 20:58:35z Reply APRSPH:This is KP3AKP4CE>ID,qAR,NP4GT-11:!1824.17N/06603.98+
APRSPH BG5VIG-1 06/28 20:57:25z Reply CQ[spc]msg to group reply.LIST recipients.LAST/LAST10 history 0628
KP3A-7 BG5VIG-1 06/28 20:57:25z Reply APRSPH:This is KP3A
APRSPH BG5VIG-1 06/28 15:03:39z Reply Ur checked in 0628 1503Z. QRX pls til 2359Z. U to exit.
APRSPH BG5VIG-1 06/28 15:03:36z Reply 0628 1503Z:QSP 11 stations. LIST for recipients. LAST for history.
BG5VIG-1 KM6CQ-7 06/28 15:03:34z Send another APRSPH:
BG5VIG-1 APRSPH 06/28 15:03:32z Send another cq{13
BG5VIG-1 BG5VIG-7 06/22 10:45:38z Send another AA:73 DE BG5VIG
BG5VIG-7 BG5VIG-1 06/22 10:45:23z Reply 73{31